Posts Tagged ‘Gaming’

Team Razer’s Bravado Gaming, South Africa’s premier multi-gaming organisation and home to some of the best local and international competitive gamers, walked away with three solid victories at the 2015 Really Awesome Gaming (rAge) expo.

Sponsored by Razer, the squads Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), Defence of the Ancients 2 (DOTA 2) and Heroes of the Storm (HOTS), took to the expo like the pro-gaming experts that they are.

The CS:GO squad not only competed in the Do Gaming Championships but they also emerged the winner during some tough competition at the 13th annual rAge expo. While they were knocked down to the losers bracket after losing 2-1 in the bracket final, they came back strong and secured a spot in the Sunday grand finals against Energy E-Sports. The team went on to beat Energy E-Sports 2-0, celebrating a solid victory.

DOTA 2 team members competed against some of South Africa’s best gamers throughout the expo and went on to win every single match on Saturday, to make it through to the grand finals on Sunday. The competition was a double elimination format and not once did the team drop into the losing bracket. On Sunday the Dota 2 team defeated team White Rabbit in the grand finals with a score of 2-0, winning the Telkom Do Gaming Championships.

The win came after gaming fans queued to meet, greet and offer their support to the DOTA 2 team – a phenomenal boost before the biggest gaming event in South Africa.

The HOTS squad was also named the winner of the first ever Heroes of the Storm tournament at rAge – an online team brawler game where players build and customise their Blizzard characters and team up with their friends to engage in strategic decision-making across the virtual battlefield. The competition saw eight teams competing for the grand prize of R60 000. Bravado Gaming smashed the competition, winning the Rectron Game Arena Finals.

Andreas Hadjipaschali, CEO of Bravado Gaming, says, “The Team Razer Bravado Gaming squads wowed at this year’s rAge and were absolutely flawless in their gaming expertise and their execution. The teams did not falter, not only taking gaming to the next level but playing a huge role in showing just what the Bravado Gaming brand is capable of.”


Join your favorite characters from the Marvel Universe in one of the most impactful comic events in Marvel history.  D3 Go! and Marvel Entertainment announced today that Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign will be coming to Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation® 4 and PlayStation® 3 computer entertainment systems in 2015 (exact date – TBD).  In Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign, players create a team from a roster of Marvel Super Heroes and embark upon a global journey that features match-3 and story-driven gameplay.  Join Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Hawkeye, and many more, battling against a host of Super Villains including Venom, Doctor Doom, Magneto, and The Hood in a struggle to obtain and control the ever-mysterious Iso-8.

Players will assemble a squad of three characters with upgradable abilities, choosing from a roster of heroes and villains alike, all to combat a common enemy.  With this team-based gameplay comes a new level of strategy and customization, allowing audiences to call upon specific heroes that are best suited for the job and to create an ultimate Marvel dream team as they travel across famous locations and visit familiar faces from the Marvel Universe.  For the first time ever in Marvel Puzzle Quest, players will be able to put their squads to the test in both online and local multiplayer.

Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign is in development by WayForward and will be available for $14.99 MSRP.  For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter @MarvelPuzzle or like us on Facebook at Puzzle Quest is also a free download on the App Store, Google Play and Steam.*




It’s August and some of the most hyped games of the year are on the horizon Call of Duty Advance Warfare , Destiny, GTA V Next-Gen,and that’s just a few to mention the question you may be faced with is should I upgrade my console.  I purchased mine during what seemed to be a well calculated move in marketing whether it was EA or Microsoft during the Titanfall hype constant release date changes got old fast and Xbox one bundle prices dropped  it seemed to be the perfect time so with some pushing I got my wife to let me open my wallet and upgrade. What you should know before you bite the bullet if you have no friends with Xbox One and you only like to play with friends don’t buy it you’ll be bored immediately unless you love to play single player campaigns for me I am the first and only one of my friends to have it but I can say I’ve met new people that I tend to play with regularly. Are the games better and my question is it depends on what you think better is Visually,Competitively that’s what you have to ask yourself.  The only testament I have is with battlefield 4 let me honest for a second neither version Xbox 360 or Xbox One  was great and they continue to have problems but for me personally I have not picked up my 360 version since I bought the Xbox One version there were details in Siege of Shanghai Tower that I never would have known existed like curtains that blow in the wind once you break out the winds or the bar that is constructed on the top level to add more cover those things may seem insignificant but they truly add a different level of play to that game.

BF4    So with that being said that is the most important thing about switching to next-gen ask yourself how much you want to spend on games. All of the upgrade to next-gen games offers have expired . I picked up BF4 at Walmart on Black Friday so I took a small lost to purchase it for Xbox One too but can you really spend $59.99  all over again for something you already have for blowing curtains that is the question to ask. It’s worth it if you can afford it but the best time to switch to next -gen would be when there is a new game coming out or a new bundle introduced to save the hassle.  So far the Xbox One has delivered the gaming experience I was looking for because I went in with the understanding that last -gen had reached its peak great games like GTA V showed there was still life left in those console while the Xbox One and PS4 have years to take them to those limits and don’t get me wrong I still go back to play MW3 ,BlackopsII, Forza 4, on 360 to play with friends. The truth is Im happy I spent the money with twitch integration html5 theres alot more to do than 360  so if you have the money free and clear spend it and if you feel like you can’t justify it yet wait your not getting left behind there’s still time left.


With both systems finally released the biggest question on most gamers minds was      what will it cost. We know now the PS4 will have a starting price of $399.99 and the XB One will come in at a heavier $499.99.  PS4 will now require the once optional PlayStation Plus membership and you will also not be required to have an internet connection while also being able to trade games traditionally. As for XB one you will be required to have the the system linked to the internet at the minimum every 24 hrs and users may sell titles back to retailers or give them to friends provided they have approval from the publisher.

Mods can be summed up in one word annoying and year after year game after game they show there ugly faces. During a Friday night game of modern warfare 3 my party experienced a clan of rapid fire maniacs to say the least. As the night continued there seemed to be more and more of them and how could I tell you ask when a mk14 sounds like a type 95 you know it. After a week of seeing the same thing I was compelled to go out and even the score and why not if you can’t beat them join them right. I ran out the following week to the local game stop before the Friday night madness began again and picked up the Datel Turbo Fire 2 I gladly rushed home to begin pawning my friends in our first few private matches. I opened the packaging and was surprised to see there was no support for rechargeable battery packs two AA batteries which at the time was no big deal until 2 hours in please reconnect the controller was flashing more than a girl’s gone wild video. On top of that the sticks were clumsy and hard along with the buttons and I didn’t think I’d have to endure finger pain just to get a few kills. The thing is big and heavy it was hard to stretch my fingers across it and communication was non-existent with Turtle beach headset and even the generic Microsoft headset due to the mic port not working . At around $50 dollars I was less than impressed with all the above issues but there were some cool things like plugging it in to your pc to adjust stick sensitivity and remap buttons it also showed all the modes and even had a special one for black ops zombies. But after a few weeks I had resorted back to my old plain Xbox controller getting destroyed once again. As of today I left it with a family member and it has ceased to operate anymore so $50 dollars gone.
After the Datel mistake me and some friends were scanning the internet for drop shot mods to see if they existed after being destroyed in a game of domination. What we came across was the Intensifire 3.0 and Intesifire 3.0 h/s I opted for the 3.0 which came equipped with 5 modes while the H/S comes equipped including drop shot and rapid fire but only comes in pre-installed controllers that start at around $89.00 dollars after the datel incident I couldn’t see taking a chance on $90 dollars. We watched the video on the easy install with the glue and how fast it was ready to roll after. So after a few days I found one on e bay on sale for $25 dollars instead of $35 dollars so I said to myself what‘s the worst that could happen . After a few days I received the package and took it to work the next day to install it 5 -10min install with glue right not at all I couldn’t get the thing to work and after spending an additional 4hrs after work trying to put it in I was feeling like I had lost more money in my attempt for revenge. The one thing I can say is it’s nice that you can use nail polish remover to remove the glue over and over again. I was so aggravated I borrowed a friends soldering iron and it was time to roll only learning to solder a week before I was nervous about burning up the board or controller but I could throw any more money away within 15min the red light was on and I was emptying clips fast. I love this this thing minus the installation it has been great very easy to turn on and off change modes and even the mode 5 user mode has been effortless. For a cheap affordable mod you can’t go wrong with this one it is not as fast as many others but its enough for people new to fps to have a small advantage on others don’t get me wrong without aiming skills or knowing map layout you can have the fastest mod and still be destroyed but if you have a little talent you should be at the top of the match board every time. So over the past few months I’ve play all the cod games and bf 3 this mod has been the most reliable and I’d most definitely say  if you buy it do not use the glue solder it in and if possible just buy the H/S modes.

• Mode #1 – Rapid Fire – For use of First Person Shooter games (Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc).
• Mode #2 – Slower Rapid Fire – For use of Gears of War.
• Mode #3 – Dual Rapid Fire – Allows using both guns simultaneously, and offers a cleaner rapid fire experience. Can use either trigger to operate this mode. This is a new feature.
• Mode #4 – NEW MODE – Double-tap shot for sniper rifle use. This eliminates the sniper rifle jerking up the screen and allows the shooter to be more accurate.
• Mode #5 – User Programmable Mode – This allows the user to customize the shots per second fired. This mode ranges from five (5) shots per second to thirty-six (36) shots per second fired, and can be adjusted on the fly.
Jitter Fire This mode converts burst-fire weapons such as the M16 and FAMAS into full auto fire weapons. Compatible with the Call Of Duty Series (MW, WaW, MW2, Black Ops)
• Mode 7
Fast Reload This mode will reduce reload time by over 50% allowing you to get back on target faster than the competition. Compatible with the Call Of Duty Series (MW, WaW, MW2, Black Ops)
• Mode 8
Fast Reload + RF Same Fast Reload function as Mode 7 except with quick rapid fire. Compatible with the Call Of Duty Series (MW, WaW, MW2, Black Ops)
• Mode 9
Dropshot The Dropshot mode allows you to pull the trigger and automatically drop to prone while firing to evade incoming enemy fire. Release the trigger to return to standing. Compatible with the Call Of Duty Series (MW, WaW, MW2, Black Ops, MW3)
• Mode 10
Dropshot + RF Same Dropshot function as Mode 9 except with quick rapid fire. Compatible with the Call Of Duty Series (MW, WaW, MW2, Black Ops, MW3)