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Square Enix Releases New Updates as Part of Milestone Celebration
LONDON — October 15, 2015 – Square Enix announced that Lara Croft: Relic Run™ has been downloaded more than 10 million times on mobile devices since its launch on May 28, 2015. To celebrate the success, Square Enix has released a new update that will further enhance players’ gameplay experiences with new additions.

Lara Croft can now explore a new Mountain Pass location as well as jump on a snowmobile to beat yetis and ice spiders. Her new powerful mini-gun will help to protect players against the “New Demon,” a new boss that shoots ice into Lara’s path, creating difficult obstacles that need to be avoided.

Lara Croft: Relic Run offers a fresh experience every time, ensuring no two runs are ever the same. An improved tutorial, new campaign map and campaign mode whereby players work through levels to complete objectives and collect relics to unlock a new location, have also been added. Localized into English, French, Italian, German and Spanish, as well as Brazilian and Portuguese, Lara Croft: Relic Run is for Lara Croft and mobile gaming fans alike.

Download links:
·         AppStore –
·         GooglePlay –





London, UK — October 15, 2015, Today, Ubisoft® announced one of the most ambitious filming projects ever to hit London’s skyline, in celebration of the upcoming launch of Assassin’s Creed® Syndicate. The latest installment in the global video game franchise is available to own on October 23rd for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One®, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and will be available on Windows PC on November 19th.

For the first time, a Bald Eagle was flown over London, launched from some of the most iconic and tallest buildings in Europe with a 4K camera (four times as much detail as 1080p Full HD) attached to its back, offering stunning, never before seen footage of the UK’s capital city from an Eagle’s eye.

This project was undertaken to showcase a feature in Assassin’s Creed® Syndicate, where players can use ‘Eagle Vision’; a tool enabling players to have an Eagle-Eyed perspective and vision to locate enemies and key features at distance. The game, set in Victorian London during the industrial revolution, has taken over two years to develop by the global video games publisher, Ubisoft, who have painstakingly recreated 1868 London in stunning detail.

For the Eagle flights, launch points used included; the Walkie Talkie (20 Fenchurch Street) 35th floor Sky Garden (492 feet above ground level) and Sushi Samba at The Heron Tower (792 feet). Other landmark launch points included Trafalgar Square, City Hall and The Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.

“The ambition of this project was huge and it was months in planning to make sure we could achieve the stunning content that we set out to capture,” said Tom Goldberger, Senior PR Manager at Ubisoft. “We worked with a fantastic production team, vastly experienced eagle handler and highly trained eagle to ensure the project was a huge success. We’re delighted to have finally been able to bring to life one of the most iconic features in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.”

Falconry Expert, Chris O’Donnell, along with his 29 year old Bald Eagle, Sidney, were recruited to make the filming concept a reality; “An Eagle has never been flown to this extent in an urban environment, so this was a very exciting project to be involved in. Sidney is a Bald Eagle who is used to large crowds of people and was highly adaptable to a busy city environment. We developed a bespoke harness and fitting for the camera and spent months testing it for comfort and stability. We had good flying conditions, incredible launch points and the footage we captured was utterly remarkable.”

Footage of the incredible Eagle flight can be found at

The making of video can be found at




It’s August and some of the most hyped games of the year are on the horizon Call of Duty Advance Warfare , Destiny, GTA V Next-Gen,and that’s just a few to mention the question you may be faced with is should I upgrade my console.  I purchased mine during what seemed to be a well calculated move in marketing whether it was EA or Microsoft during the Titanfall hype constant release date changes got old fast and Xbox one bundle prices dropped  it seemed to be the perfect time so with some pushing I got my wife to let me open my wallet and upgrade. What you should know before you bite the bullet if you have no friends with Xbox One and you only like to play with friends don’t buy it you’ll be bored immediately unless you love to play single player campaigns for me I am the first and only one of my friends to have it but I can say I’ve met new people that I tend to play with regularly. Are the games better and my question is it depends on what you think better is Visually,Competitively that’s what you have to ask yourself.  The only testament I have is with battlefield 4 let me honest for a second neither version Xbox 360 or Xbox One  was great and they continue to have problems but for me personally I have not picked up my 360 version since I bought the Xbox One version there were details in Siege of Shanghai Tower that I never would have known existed like curtains that blow in the wind once you break out the winds or the bar that is constructed on the top level to add more cover those things may seem insignificant but they truly add a different level of play to that game.

BF4    So with that being said that is the most important thing about switching to next-gen ask yourself how much you want to spend on games. All of the upgrade to next-gen games offers have expired . I picked up BF4 at Walmart on Black Friday so I took a small lost to purchase it for Xbox One too but can you really spend $59.99  all over again for something you already have for blowing curtains that is the question to ask. It’s worth it if you can afford it but the best time to switch to next -gen would be when there is a new game coming out or a new bundle introduced to save the hassle.  So far the Xbox One has delivered the gaming experience I was looking for because I went in with the understanding that last -gen had reached its peak great games like GTA V showed there was still life left in those console while the Xbox One and PS4 have years to take them to those limits and don’t get me wrong I still go back to play MW3 ,BlackopsII, Forza 4, on 360 to play with friends. The truth is Im happy I spent the money with twitch integration html5 theres alot more to do than 360  so if you have the money free and clear spend it and if you feel like you can’t justify it yet wait your not getting left behind there’s still time left.