Posts Tagged ‘rainbow six beta’


While many of you are still waiting for beta codes I thought I’d compile a list of things I think will make that first   match a little bit easier. Number 1 which seems pretty obvious but hasn’t really been followed is get a mic and no not a 200 dollar headset just the mic that came with your system of choice,  In a game such as this communication is key because this game truly shines and shows its true potential though use of communication and real teamwork. Number 2 toss all you learned from Call of Duty out the window there’s no drop shots or one man wolf pack mechanics in this game every shot counts and there can be death around every corner. Number 3 This was something that me and a few friends learned the hard way there is team killing one misplaced shot will injure or potentially kill a team mate so aim smart friends. Number 4  Be the camera guy the game isn’t really weighed heavily on kills yes you’ll get some points for one but you get  the same amount by finding a safe place and guiding your team mates to a win. Number 5 Relax have fun and this is the another obvious point speaking as member of the F#&*  Lag F#^%* team I have truly enjoyed my time with this beta so far and also by just having fun I’ve met a group of great guys who just wanna play the game and have some laughs. So I hope these few tips help you new recruits out and make this game enjoyable and be prepared for a few hiccups because well it’s a beta and that’s what its met for so rack up your renown (in game currency)  and get your operators ready because your team is depending on you.